Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My TV Experiment! Day 12

STOP! Put down the remote and step away from the TV!

I often have people ask me where I get the motivation to be so active and productive all the time. Well, here's the scoop. I'm not always moving and going and doing. I have downtime every day, but it's the right kind! If I want to nap, I nap. If I want to go for a leisurely walk instead of doing an insane workout, I walk. If I want to sit in silence on my hammock and just stare at the sky, I do it. Outside of my uber-productive spells, there is a great deal of my day devoted to relaxation and balance, and that has only increased since the school year ended. As a teacher, I am blessed with time on top of time on top of time during the summer. It's magical; I'm not going to lie. But sometimes, there's too much time. Did you ever think that could be a thing? Well, take it from me, it's real! When there's little need for a schedule or a pressing need to get things done before a certain time, you spend all day with no sense of urgency. That freedom can be amazing if you use it correctly, or it could become a slippery slope of nothingness! 

Today is Day 12 of my own personal experiment. I decided that this summer, I would limit my TV watching. I made a rule for myself on the last day of school, and I have stuck to it since then! I love TV, so this is really an accomplishment for me.

Here's my rule: No TV from 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.  

Could you do it? Could you limit your TV watching each day and schedule your indulgences? I challenge you!

Every summer, I vow to accomplish certain tasks. My summer work ethic always starts off strong, but as the weeks go by my motivation lessens. The cause? TV! I am a naturally driven and productive person, and I love starting and completing tasks -- devouring anything in my path. It's who I am. This quality sounds great, but it does not stop at building a brand, a business, writing the next great American novel, sewing a runway quality frock, or learning to play the guitar (all summer To Do's ; ) ). This quality extends into every aspect of my life -- including binge watching tv series or shows just because "I have to know how it ends"!

Like I said before, I LOVE TV!  ❤️  📺 ❤️   There's something about the mindlessness of it that calls to me. Reality TV is my nemesis AND my best friend. You put on an episode of The Real Housewives of ... , even one I've watched countless times, I'll watch it. The yelling and screaming will make my head hurt, but I love it. Kim K and Khloe are eating the same huge salad I've seen before while they discuss which new phone to buy, I'm hooked. My very "focused" personality inhibits me from watching a few minutes and turning the TV off. I can't stop watching once I start. There are days when I don't sit down for more than 20 minutes; then, there are days when I don't move for 6 hours as I binge-watch a TV series. I know myself, and I know that TV sucks the motivation right out of me. I just can't give in to it! This summer, I'm staying strong!

It's Day 12 and I found myself laying down on the couch after lunch. I was thinking of taking a nap which would normally mean turning the TV on, so it would lull me into a stupor that would only end in a glorious two hour nap. Obviously, it would take two hours of watching a show, or two, or three before I actually let myself succumb to the wills of the couch-- relaxation, partial paralysis, slumber. 😴  That would mean AT LEAST 4 hours of couch time. Eeek! Tack on an hour of post-nap confusion, delirium, and continued partial paralysis and that's FIVE hours of couch time. If I want to nap these days, I do it ... sans TV. That gives me back at least two hours of my day! There's no way to avoid the post-nap struggle! 😜 

Since I took this no TV vow, I have found myself automatically reaching for the remote as I sit on the couch. It's muscle memory in the most unproductive form! Do you do this too, or is it just me? I know. I sound like I'm addicted to TV. 😁  Well, I have now placed the remote inside the coffee table, so I have to actively look for it when the luxurious, microfiber siren lures me in. If you're worse than me, you might want to unplug that flatscreen beast, so you don't suddenly realize that you've been watching a Botched marathon for 3 hours. 

I've been so much more productive by limiting my TV watching each day. I know it would do the same for you. Just try it for a day, even if you don't think you watch that much TV. When you begin to look at your daily routines and patterns, I'm sure you'll see that we are pretty similar. Do you accept the challenge?

Stay strong. Keep that TV off. It's worth it; I promise!

1 comment:

  1. I think my time absorber is my phone. Constantly checking emails, social media, news, or aimlessly touring one site after another. I'm going to attempt to decrease my phone time. Thanks for bringing this topic up!
